Costs and Fees

One time Free 30 min. exploratory call or consult call available – see scheduling link below

End of Life Doula Services Intake: $90 – lasts 1.5 – 2 hours

End of Life Doula Services: $100 per hour

End of Life Doula Services Can Include:

End of Life Planning Assessment: An interactive exploration of what you have done so far, what you would like to accomplish and what you want to learn more about

Advance Care Planning: Consultation and completion of advance care directives: who will speak for you when you are no longer able to speak for yourself

Hospice 101:  Education/support about the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of hospice

In Home/Out of Home Care 101:  Education/support about the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of in home or out of home care, respite and placement options

Community Education designed to empower those to desire to understand their end of life  options, learn how to talk more openly about our inevitable mortality, or plan for the end of their life

Funeral Planning/Support: Guidance, consultation and logistical support for funeral planning, as well as education on modern end of life options for final disposition

At Home Death, Body Care, Visitation and Memorial: Education and support for planning to care for your loved one after death whether it be for minutes, hours, or until final disposition

Green Burial: Education and Planning – assistance to explore what is available near you

Vigil/Bedside Support: Education/support to those in the transitioning and active phases of dying

Emotional &/or Practical Support: As needed in-person or remote sessions providing emotional or practical supports

Plan of Care for End of Life:  Education and assistance in planning the What, When, Who, and Where directions that let loved ones know your desires for your care and support towards the end of your life

Living Funeral Planning: Assistance with coordination and planning of a living funeral or celebration

Legacy work: Assistance with creative projects that empower the dying person to leave a legacy for their loved ones

Creating Remembrance Items: Assisting with projects to help you remember/cherish your loved one.

Life Review: assistance in moving through a life review process. This can happen in many ways.

Advocacy, Navigation, Logistical Planning & Coordination: In-person or remote support providing practical and efficient outcomes for the plan of care which can include working with an already existing supportive care team or assembling one. This service is meant to lighten the load, take things off your plate and provide guidance and advocacy when difficult decision need to be made

Crisis Intervention: Time sensitive emotional and practical support for unexpected or unplanned loss. Anxiety and stress are typically present and a calming presence is needed to step into action in order to complete tasks and reduce anxiety

Mediation/Support: In-person or remote sessions when family dynamics are complicated. Assistance with mediating + emotionally supporting families and loved ones who are struggling to peacefully and productively interact due to circumstance or dynamics

Presentations: Fees for presentations vary depending on the presentation and my agreements with the licensing or associated organizations.  Please ask.   General range: donation/free will offering to $500

Free 30 Min. Discovery Call

Satisfy some curiosity by talking with Marie about end-of-life planning and education offerings.

Schedule Now